<과학뉴스> 임신한 7800만 년 전 ‘바다괴물’ 최초 발견

by 변정구 posted Aug 16, 2011


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화석 명칭 : LACM 129639

이번에 발표된 화석은 1980년대 캔사스주에서 발견되었으며, 그동안 LA 자연사 박물관에 보관되어 연구되어 온 것입니다.
발표가 지금 이루어진 이유가 궁금하군요.

30년전 발견되었음에도 불구하고, 최초 발견이란 머릿말을 붙이는 것은
적절하지 않다고 생각합니다.

(국내 기사)


( 사이언스 뉴스)
Sea monsters made great mothers



(A) Photograph and (B) interpretive drawing of LACM 129639, as mounted. Adult elements are light brown, embryonic material is dark brown, and reconstructed bones are white.

lc indicates left coracoid; lf, left femur; lh, left humerus; li, left ischium; lp, left pubis;
rc, right coracoid; rf, right femur; rh, right humerus; ri, right ischium; and rp, right pubis.


A fossil of P. latippinis called LACM 129639 includes an adult individual with a single fetus inside it. LACM 129639 was found in Kansas during the 1980s and was in storage at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County until it was described in 2011.

The length of the fetus is around 40 percent of the length of the mother. Gestation was probably two thirds complete based on what is known of the fetal development of related nothosaurs.[6] This fossil suggests that Polycotylus was viviparous, giving live birth (as opposed to laying eggs).


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