<우주> "우주는 '끈'에서 시작됐다"

by 변정구 posted Jun 01, 2011


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우주가 1차원의 '끈'에서 시작됐다는 가설을 국내 연구진이 국제 물리학계에 내놓아 주목받고 있다.

(Physical Review D)

Phys. Rev. D 83, 104040 (2011)

Dynamics of stringy congruence in the early universe

We study twist and shear aspects of the stingy geodesic surface congruence. Under some natural conditions we derive the equations of the twist and shear in terms of the expansion of the Universe. We observe in this higher dimensional cosmology that, as the early universe evolves with expansion rate, the twist of the stringy congruence decreases exponentially and the initial twist value should be large enough to sustain the rotations of the ensuing universe, while the effects of the shear are negligible to produce the isotropic and homogeneous universe. We also investigate the twist and shear of the geodesic surface congruence of the null strings.

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