
<뇌과학> Two Streams hypothesis

by 변정구 posted Jun 02, 2011


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The dorsal stream (green) and ventral stream (purple) are shown. They originate from a common source in visual cortex


Figure 1: Side view of the left cerebral cortex of a macaque with the posterior sulci opened to show the buried cortex. The red area is striate cortex (V1, primary visual cortex) and the yellow areas are various extra- striate visual areas, some of which are labelled. IT cortex (inferior temporal or inferotemporal cortex) corresponds to cytoarchitectonic area TE.

STS : superior temporal sulcus
MT : medial temporal cortex
MST : medial superior temporal cortex
IT : Inferior temporal cortex

Figure 2: The Principal afferent pathways from V1 to IT cortex in one hemisphere of a macaque are shown in bold lines. The faces designate regions in which face selective neurons have been found (STP, Superior temporal polysensory area, IT cortex and A, the amygdala). Some connections to other areas in the dorsal cortical visual system, the ventral visual system and the limbic system are also shown. All connections are reciprocal.



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