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첨부파일 : Margaret Gentili, Adaptive Radiation of Eutherians: A Comparative Study of Long Fuse, Short Fuse, Explosion and the ‘Garden of Eden’ Hypotheses

리처드 도킨스, 조상이야기

랑데뷰 1-8 영장류 Primates
K/T 경계................................................................. 6,500만 년 전
랑데뷰 9  Dermoptera, Scandentia.............................. 7,000만 년 전
랑데뷰 10 설치류와 토끼류 Rodentia, Lagomorpha ........ 7,500만 년 전
랑데뷰 11 로라시아테리아 Laurasiatheria...................... 8,500만 년 전 (백악기 후기)
랑데뷰 12 빈치류 Xenarthra .......................................  9,500만 년 전
랑데뷰 13 아프로테리아 Afrotheria............................1억   500만 년 전
랑데뷰 14 유대류 Marsuplalia..................................1억4,000만 년 전 (백악기 초)
랑데뷰 15 단공류 Monotremata............................... 1억 8,000만 년 전 (쥐라기 전기)

* 그림 설명 : Relationships of higher taxa of mammals based on nulecular data. Most higher taxa in these studieds are based on only one to five species.  Interrelationships among taxa within Afrotheria are partucularly ubstable. (Modified after Murphy et al., 2001. and Springer et al.,2005)
* 그림 출처 : Kenneth David Rose, The beginning of the age of mammals, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006, 12p

* 그림 설명 : Molecular time scale for the placental orders. Modified and redrawn from Springer er al. (2003:fig.3). Redrwan by Gina Scanlon, Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
* 그림 출처 : Kenneth David Rose,J. David Archibald, The rise of placental mammals: origins and relationships of the Major Extant, 2005

그림설명 : Molecular Time Scale for the Orders of Placental Mammals Based on the Maximum Likelihood and a Mean Prior of 105 MYA for the Placental Root. Ordinal designations are listed
above the branches. Orange and green lines show orders with basal diversification before or after the K/T boundary. Black lines denote orders where only one taxon is available.

그림 설명 : Phylogeny of Living Placental Mammals Reconstructed Using a Bayesian Phylogenetic Approach. Molecular Dating of Basal Placental Divergences and the Cretaceous/Tertiary Boundary. Branches constructed using Bayesian posterior probability of the node derived from sampled trees. The thick horizontal dashed line marks the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (K/T) at 65 Mya.

Molecular dating of basal placental divergences and the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Chronogram with branch lengths proportional to time units obtained from the partitioned analysis of the complete ADRA2B + BRCA1 + VWF (codon positions 1+2+3) placental nucleotide dataset (5130 sites). The geological timescale for the Cretaceous and Tertiary eras is superimposed (Paleo. = Paleocene; Oligo. = Oligocene; P. = Pliocene). The thick horizontal dashed line marks the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (K/T) at 65 Mya. The grey shaded area representing the Late Cretaceous era illustrates the fact that the major placental divergences occurred within this time window. The names of basal placental clades (yellow diamonds) and calibration nodes (red stars) referring to Table 1 are indicated (PAE: PAEnungulata, MUR: MURidae, MEG: MEGachiroptera, PER: PERissodactyla, ART: CetARTiodactyla, and CET: CETacea). The xenarthran subtree is highlighted in bold and numbering of nodes refers to Table 1.  Delsuc et al. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2004 4:11   doi:10.1186/1471-2148-4-11
그림 출처 : Margaret Gentili, Adaptive Radiation of Eutherians: A Comparative Study of Long Fuse, Short Fuse, Explosion and the ‘Garden of Eden’ Hypotheses

그림설명 : A molecular timescale for vertebrate evolution.
All times indicate Myr separating humans (or the largest sister group containing humans) and the group shown, except when the comparative groups are separated by a slash (/). Time estimates are shown with 61 s.e.m. and the number of genes used is given in parentheses.

Three groups of mammalian orders are:
Archonta (Primates, Scandentia, Dermoptera, Chiroptera, and Lagomorpha),
Ferungulata (Carnivora, Cetartiodactyla, and Perissodactyla),
and Paenungulata (Hyracoidea, Proboscidea, Sirenia).
Cam, Cambrian; Carbonif, Carboniferous; Dev, Devonian; PC, Precambrian; Perm, Permian; Prot, Proterozoic; Sil, Silurian; Tri, Triassic.
그림출처 : Sudhir Kumar & S. Blair Hedges, Amolecular timescale for vertebrate evolution, NATURE (VOL 392, 30 APRIL 1998)

다음 그림은, 위의 그림을 약간 변형한 것임.

그림 설명 : the emerging molecular tree of the placental orders. The molecular tree recognizes four major clades: Afrotheria, Xenarthra, Laurasiatheria and Euarchontoglires, of which the latter two are joined into Boreoeutheria. The presented placental ordinal topology is according to Murphy et al. [21]. Placing Marsupialia as sister to Placentalia is based on Phillips and Penny [54] and references therein. Clades indicated by solid lines are, with rare exceptions, supported independently by all other molecular data and analyses [24–29]. Notable exceptions are the strong tendency of mitochondrial protein sequences to place hedgehogs and rodents as basal in the
tree [14]. Colors distinguish the four basal placental clades in the molecular tree.
그림 출처 : Wilfried W. de Jong et al., Molecules consolidate the placental mammal tree, TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution, Vol. 19, No. 8. (1 August 2004), pp. 430-438.

(포유류 분류학)

Marsuplalia 유대류

Palcentalia 태반류

Afrotheria 아프로테리아
- Proboscidea 장비목 (코끼리)
- Hyracoidea 바위너구리목
- Sirenia 바다소목 (튜공 dugong, 매너티 manatees)
- Tenrecidae 텐렉(tenrec)
- Chrysochloridae (golden mole)
- Macroscelidea 코끼리닷쥐목
- Tubulidentata 관치목 (땅돼지)

Xenarthra 빈치류

Euarchontoglires 영장상목
- Primates 영장류
- Scandentia 나무땃쥐(shrew)
- Dermoptera 날원숭이목(피익목)
- Lagomorpha 토끼목
- Rodentia 쥐목

Laurasiatheria 로라시아테리아
- Eulipotyphla 식충목
- Chiroptera 박쥐류
- Carnivora 식육목(개, 고양이, 하이에나, 곰, 족제비, 바다표범 등)
- Pholidota 유린목(천산갑)
- Perissodactyla 기제류 (말목)

Cetartiodactyla 고래소목
- Camelidae 낙타
- Suidae 돼지
- Ruminantia 반추동물
- Hippoptamus 하마
- Cetacea 고래




http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pangolin Pholidota



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