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인문학에게 뇌과학을 말하다

<원제> Making up the Mind : How the Brain Creates Our Mental World
<저자> 크리스 프리스 Chris Frith (Christopher D. Frith)

Prologue: Real scientists don’t study the mind

Part I - Seeing through the brain’s illusions
1 Clues from a damaged brain
2 What a normal brain tells us about the world
3 What the brain tells us about our bodies

Part II - How the brain does it
4 Getting ahead by prediction
5 Our perception of the world is a fantasy that coincides with reality
6 How brains model minds

Part III - Culture and the brain
7 Sharing minds – How the brain creates culture

Epilogue: Me and my brain


- 괄호 () 안의 숫자는 해당 페이지입니다.
- [b] 표시는 참고서적입니다.
- [m] 표시는 동화상입니다.
- 내용은 계속 추가됩니다.


* 그림 P.4 (34)

[b] 패트리샤 처칠랜드, 뇌과학과 철학, 176

* 방추상 얼굴 영역 (36,53, 87) : fusiform face area (FFA)

* 해마옆이랑 공간 영역 (36, 그림 P.8) : parahippocampal place area (PPA)
=> 해마옆이랑 건물인식 역역

1장_손상된 뇌 들여다보기 Clues from a damaged brain

* 분홍색 코끼리 (47) : pink elephants

* 그림 1.3 (52), 그림 2.1 (79)



일본의 菅原道真(すがわらのみちざね 스가와라노 미치자네, 845-903년)가 11세 때 쓴 한시

* 래리 바이스크란츠 (56) : Larry Weiskrantz

* 맹시 (56-58) : blindsight
맹시(blindsight)라는 현상이 있다. 눈은 온전하지만 시각 피질로 들어가는 신경경로가 손상된 경우 환자는 볼 수가 없다. 환자의 앞에 빨간색 공을 두고 무슨 색이냐고 물어보면, 그는 모르겠다고 대답한다. 하지만, 틀려도 좋으니 한 번 무슨 색일 것 같은지 알아맞춰보라고 하면, 알아맞출 확률이 눈이 손상되어 보지 못하는 환자들보다 높다고 한다. 후속 연구는 비록 시각피질로 들어가는 신경경로가 파괴되었지만, 다른 경로가 남아 있어서 눈을 통해 들어온 시각정보를 처리하고 있다는 것이다. 근데 그 정보는 의식적으로 파악할 수 없다. 따라서, 정확히 볼 순 없지만, 어떤 감을 느낄 수는 있는 것이다.(http://infinitesp.tistory.com/tag/blindsight)

* 컬러그림 3 (61)

그림출처 : Panayiotopoulos CP.(1999), Elementary visual hallucinations, blindness, and headache in idiopathic occipital epilepsy: differentiation from migraine.

* 페요틀 (66) : peyote

* Erowid 웹사이트 (69)

2장_정상적인 뇌가 세계에 대해 말해 주는 것 What a normal brain tells us about the world

* 헤르만 헬름홀츠 (77-78, 91, 119, 169, 177) : Hermann Helmholtz
[b] 에릭 캔델, 기억을 찾아서, 96-98, 101, 153, 237, 339, 467

* 무의식적 추론 (41, 78, 82, 119, 177) : unconscious inferences

* '무의식적 추론'이라는 개념은 널리 받아들여지지 않았다. (78)
-> (원문) The notion of unconscious inferences was unpopular.
=> (재번역) '무의식적 추론'이라는 개념은 인기가 없었다.(평판이 나빴다)

* 변화맹시 (79-82, 87-88) : change blindness
=>(교정) 변화맹 變化盲

Change Blindness; you cannot be aware of everything

* 잠재의식 지각 (86) : subliminal perception

* 헤링 착시 (88,90) : Hering illusion

* 파르테논 (89) : Parthenon

* 존 페네손 (89) : John Pennethorne

* 영국 아마추어 예술 애호가 협회 (89) : Society of Dilettanti
=> (교정) 딜레탕트 협회

* 프랜시스 팬로즈 (90) : Francis C Penrose

* 에임스 방 (91) : Ames room

* 공감각자 (92) : synaesthete

* 장자 (98) : Chuang Tzu, 莊子

Twenty-four centuries ago Chuang Tzu dreamt he was a butterfly. " I dreamt I was a butterfly flying through the air and knowing nothing of Chuang Tzu." When he awoke he said he did not know if he was a man who had dreamt he was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming he was a man.

胡蝶之夢 (호접지몽)
(장자가 꿈속에 나비가 되었는지 또는 나비가 꿈속에 장자가 되었는지를 모르겠다)

* 컬러그림 4 (98)

그림출처 : Schwartz, S. and Maquet, P. (2002) Sleep imaging and the neuropsychological assessment of dreams. TRENDS in Cognitive Sciences , 6 (1 ) pp.23 - 30 . 10.1016/S1364-6613(00)01818-0.

* 로버트 프로스트 (99) : Robert Frost

After Apple-Picking (1914년)

My long two-pointed ladder's sticking through a tree
Toward heaven still,
And there's a barrel that I didn't fill
Beside it, and there may be two or three
Apples I didn't pick upon some bough.
But I am done with apple-picking now.
Essence of winter sleep is on the night,
The scent of apples: I am drowsing off.
I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight
I got from looking through a pane of glass
I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough
And held against the world of hoary grass.
It melted, and I let it fall and break.
But I was well
Upon my way to sleep before it fell,
And I could tell
What form my dreaming was about to take.
Magnified apples appear and disappear,
Stem end and blossom end,
And every fleck of russet showing clear.
My instep arch not only keeps the ache,
It keeps the pressure of a ladder-round.
I feel the ladder sway as the boughs bend.

And I keep hearing from the cellar bin
The rumbling sound
Of load on load of apples coming in.
For I have had too much
Of apple-picking: I am overtired
Of the great harvest I myself desired.
There were ten thousand thousand fruit to touch,
Cherish in hand, lift down, and not let fall.
For all
That struck the earth,
No matter if not bruised or spiked with stubble,
Went surely to the cider-apple heap
As of no worth.
One can see what will trouble
This sleep of mine, whatever sleep it is.
Were he not gone,
The woodchuck could say whether it's like his
Long sleep, as I describe its coming on,
Or just some human sleep.

* 프레골리 증후군 (100)

* 조지 존스턴 스토니 (103, 104) : G.J. Stoney

* 애드거 앨런 포 (106)
The Sphinx (1850) by Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)

3장_뇌가 우리의 신체에 대해 말해주는 것 What the brain tells us about our bodies

* 특권적 접근(109, 133, 250) : privileged access

* 매슈 보트비니크과 조너선 코언 (110) : Matthew Botvinick and Jonathan Cohen
rubber arm illusion

* 아츠시 이리키 (111) : Atsushi Iriki (いりき・あつし)
入來 篤史 (BSI 象徴概念発達研究/ Lab. for Symbolic Cognitive Development, RIKEN BSI)
(논문) Coding of modified body schema during tool use by macaque postcentral neurones.(http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8951846)


* 벤저민 리벳 (116-119, 249, 300) : Benjamin Libet

[m] Neuroscience and Free Will - Libet's Experiment

[b] 에릭 캔델, 기억을 찾아서, 428-429
[b] 프란츠 부케티츠, 자유의지 그 환상의 진화, 137-139

* 패트릭 해거드 (117, 247) : Patrick Haggard

[m] Patrick Haggard and panel - The Anatomy of an Action

* 그림 3.4 (118)

* 환상지 (122) : phantom limb

* 질병인식불능증 (129) : anosognosia
1914년 프랑스의 신경학자 조제프 프랑수아 바빈스키는 '질병인식불능증'을 처음 관찰하고, 이름을 붙였다. '질병인식불능증' 환자들은 자신의 왼팔이나 왼다리가 마비되었다는 것을 무시하거나 때때로 부정한다. (라마찬드란, 두뇌실험실 Phantoms In the Brain, 244)

* 막무가내 손 (131) : anarchic hand

Anarchic hand syndrome: Peter Sellers in the 1964 film Dr Strangelove

* 대니얼 웨그너 (132) : Daniel Wegner

* 엘로디 바레인 (134) : Elodie Varraine

* 트레드밀 (134) treadmill : 러닝머신

4장_예측을 통해 앞서가기 Getting ahead by prediction

* (145)
Albino rats were brought into laboratories for physiological studies as early as 1828. The oldest strain of inbred rats dates from 1856, when the Jardin des Plantes reported a feeder colony of black hooded rats. That colony was still in existence 132 years later in 1988.

* Jardin des Plantes

* 연합 학습 (148) : associative Learning
연합학습은 1900 년대 초 파블로프(I. P. Pavlov)의 고전적 조건화에 의한 학습이론을 시발점으로 하여 손다이크(E. Thorndike), 왓슨(J. B. Watson) 등에 의해 계승되었고, 그 후 스키너(B. F. Skinner)의 조작적 조건화로 발전되었다.

* 소거 (152) : extinction

* 스키너 (23, 152-153) : Skinner
[b] 스티븐 핑거, 빈서판, 53-54, 302, 315, 367, 431
[b] 에릭 캔델, 기억을 찾아서, 61-62, 152, 155, 214, 470
[b] 조지프 르두, 시냅스와 자아, 148, 207, 397

* 미신 (153) : superstition
미신적 행동 superstitious bahavior

* (154)
An interesting feature of such experiments is that they work only if the target is unaware that he is learning about reward contingencies in the environment.

* 데이비드 허블 (156) : David Hubel
[b] 에릭 캔델, 기억을 찾아서, 207, 267, 331, 334, 342
[b]조지프 르두, 시냅스와 자아, (후벨) 136-137

* 토르스텐 비셀 (156) : Torsten Wiesel
[b] 에릭 캔델, 기억을 찾아서, 207, 332, 334, 342
[b]조지프 르두, 시냅스와 자아, (위젤) 136-137

* 보상세포 (157) : reward cells

* 자기 자극 (158) : self-stimulation

* 시간차 알고리듬 (160) : temporal difference learning

* 배우 비평가 모형 (160) : actor critic learning algorithm

* temporal difference based actor critic learning algorithm

* 그림 4.5 (161)

Source: Bugmann, G. (1996). Value maps for planning and learning implemented in cellular automata. Proceedings of the 2nd International conference on adaptive computing in engineering design and control (ACEDC’96), Plymouth (pp. 307–309).

Examples of paths followed by a mobile robot with an initial empty memory.
The frame on the left represents the room. The target is the blue square bellow the "m" of "room". White squares are obstacles. The grey track is the path followed by the robot, which is located at the end of the track. The frame in the middle is the spatial memory. The frame on the right is the neuro-resistive grid. The brighter the squares, the higher the potential of the corresponding node. Following the figures from top to bottom, one can observe the increasing knowledge of the obstacle configuration placed in spatial memory.

Source: Bugmann, G., Taylor, J.G. and Denham M., 1995, 'Route finding by neural nets', in Taylor J.G (ed) "Neural Networks", Alfred Waller Ltd, Henley-on-Thames, p. 217-230.

* (162-3)
Through associative learning the brain constructs a map of the world. This is essentially a map of value. The map locates the objects of high value where I am likely to be rewarded and the objects of low value where I am not likely to be rewarded. The map also indicates the actions of high value that are likely to be successful and the actions of low value that are likely to fail.

* 의미없이 한꺼번에 뒤엉킨 혼돈 (163, 166) : a buzzing blooming confusion
=> (교정) 윙윙거리고, 지독한 혼란 -> 정신없는 뒤죽박죽

* 어지럽게 뒤엉킨 혼돈 (181) : a buzzing, confusing mass of sensations
=> (교정) 윙윙거리고, 혼란스러운 감각

* 버지니아 울프 (166) : Virginia Woolf
http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/버지니아 울프

* 장광설 (166) : interjection
=> (교정) 이야기
interject : (말을)불쑥 끼워넣다, 던져넣다, 사이에 끼우다
‘interject’는 말 따위를 불쑥 꺼내다는 뜻으로 ‘say’와 같은 표현이다.

* 그림 4.7 (172)

* G. 유 (175) : G. Yue

[b] Yue, G., & Cole, K.J. (1992). Strength increases from the motor program:
Comparison of training with maximal voluntary and imagined muscle contrac-
tions. Journal of Neurophysiology, 67(5), 1114-1123.

* (176)
We learn by prediction. My brain predicts what is going to happen when I move and uses the error in its prediction to do better next time. But if we don't move, there is no final outcome to compare with the prediction. There is no error. So how can I learn by simply imaging making a movement? Learning in the imagination is possible because my brain makes two different predictions about my movements.

First, it can predict which particular sequence of commands sent to my muscles will generate the ovement I want to make. This prediction is called the inverse model because my brain has to reason backward from the output of my motor system (my moving finger) to its input (the commands sent to my finger muscles).

Second, my brain can predict which exact movements will occur if it sends a certain sequence of commands to my muscles. This prediction is called the forward model since my brain has to reason forward from input (the commands to the muscles) to output (the finger movements).

My brain cannot test how good either of these predictions are without making movements. But we don't need to make movements to test whether or not the two predictions are consistent with one another. The prediction from the forward model, which finger movements will occur, should match the starting point of the inverse model, which fingers movements I want to make. My brain can make these two predictions and adjust them until they match without my making any actual finger movements. As a result of such purely mental practice my ability to make the real movements will improve.

* 헬름홀츠 기계 (177, 324) : Helmholtz machines

* 카를 야스퍼스 (179, 180) : Karl Jaspers
20세기 초반의 철학자 카를 야스퍼스는 정신질환 환자들이 설명하는 많은 경험들이 그저 요령 부득의 것이라고 했다.
(교정) 설명하는 => 묘사하는, 이야기하는 (described) ; 그저 요령부득의 => 단지 이해불가능한 (simply not understandable)

* (181)
Through its ability to learn and predict, my brain ties me to the world with many strong threads. Because of these threads, the world is not a buzzing, confusing mass of sensations; instead, everything around me exerts a push or a pull because my brain has learned to attach values to them. And my brain creates more than mere pushes and pulls.

* 그림 4.8 (182)

Figure 4.8 We sometimes catch a glimpse of ourselves moving through the world
Source: M.C. Escher, Hand with Reflecting Sphere, 1935, lithograph. © 2006 The M.C. Escher
Company–Holland. All rights reserved. http://www.mcescher.com.

* (182)
I can choose to attend to the various parts of my body, and then they too become part of this external world. But most of the time I, the actor, move through the world invisibly, a shadow that one can sometimes catch a glimpse of from the corner of one’s eye before it moves on.

5장_세계에 대한 지각은 현실을 반영한 환상이다 Our perception of the world is a fantasy that coincides with reality

* 정보이론 (187) : Information theory

* 클로드 새넌 (187) : Claude Elwood Shannon

* 잉여 (188-190)
redundancy : 반복성, 중복, 중복성, 과잉물, 여분

* 이상적인 베이스주의자 (195, 202) : ideal Bayesian observer
=> (교정) 이상적인 베이지안 관찰자

* 카지미르 말레비치 (195) : Kazimir Malevich

Black Square, 1915, Oil on Canvas, State Russian Museum, St.Petersburg

* 토머스 베이스 (197)

* 보르헤스 (206) : Jorge Luis Borges 호르헤 루이스 보르헤스

* 콘라드 게스너 (207) : Conrad Gesner

* 가면착시 (211) : hollow mask illusion

* 제임스 휘슬러 (215)

* 컬러그림 6 (220)

6장_뇌는 어떻게 타인의 정신을 이해하는가 How brains model minds

* 그림 6.4 (235)

REF.19 : Gallese, V., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L. & Rizzolatti, G. Action recognition in the premotor cortex. Brain 119, 593-609 (1996).
The first full report on mirror neurons in monkeys studied with single-cell recordings. It provides a detailed description of the basic properties of mirror neurons in area F5.
REF.115 : Rizzolatti, G., Fogassi, L. & Gallese, V. Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the understanding and imitation of action. Nature Rev. Neurosci. 2, 661-670 (2001).

A piece of food is placed on a tray and presented to the monkey. The experimenter grasps the food, then moves the tray with the food towards the monkey. Strong activation is present in F5 during observation of the experimenter’s grasping movements, and while the same action is performed by the monkey. Note that the neural discharge (lower panel) is absent when the food is presented and moved towards the monkey.
Rasters and histograms show activity before and after the point at which the experimenter touched the food (vertical bar). Adapted with permission from REF.11 ⓒ 1996 Elsevier Science.

REF.11 : Rizzolatti, G., Fadiga, L., Fogassi, L. & Gallese, V. Premotor cortex and the recognition of motor actions.Brain Res. Cogn. Brain Res.3, 131-141 (1996).

* 모방은 다른 사람의 목적을 파악하기 위한 것 (236)
=> (원문) Imitation: Perceiving the Goals of Others
=> (교정) 모방 : 타인의 목적을 인지하기

* 존 설 (237) : Jon Searle

* (237)
As John Searle has pointed out, if we meet someone walking toward the west, we don't know if he is going to the bakery across the street or walking to Patagonia. But we are all Bayesians now. We can remove this ambiguity because we know in advance which is his most likely goal.

*그림 6.6 (238)

From the following article: Developmental psychology: Rational imitation in preverbal infants
György Gergely, Harold Bekkering and Ildikó Király
Nature 415, 755(14 February 2002) doi:10.1038/415755a

[b] Meltzoff, A. N. (1988). Infant imitation after a 1-week delay: long-term memory for novel acts and multiple stimuli. Developmental Psychology, 24, 470-476.

* 제임스 킬너 (240) : James Movan Kilner
Address: Wellcome Trust Centre of Imaging Neuroscience,Institute of Neurology,University College London, 12 Queens Square,London, WC1N 3BG

* 세밀하게 측정해보니 눈으로 보는 것과 다른 동작을 취해야 할 때, 동작이 훨씬 불안정하다는 사실이 드러났다. (240)
-> (원문) Careful measurement showed that watching these different movements made the observer’s own movements become more variable.

* 그림 6.7
Recordings of the movements made by the subjects which were repeated vertical or horizontal sweeps. These movements are more variable (right-hand panel) when watching someone
else making different movements

* 그림 6.7

그림 출처 : Kilner, JM, Paulignan, Y. and Blakemore, S-J. (2003) An interference effect of observed biological movement on action. Current Biology 18: pp1-20

* 비트겐슈타인 (242) : Ludwig Wittgenstein

* 공감 (242) : empathy

* 통증 기반 (242) : pain matrix

* 그림 6.8 (243)

Source: Singer, T., Seymour, B., O’Doherty, J., Kaube, H., Dolan, R.J., & Frith, C.D. (2004). Empathy for pain involves the affective but not sensory components of pain. Science, 303(5661), 1157–1162.

* 이언 맥큐언 (247) : Ian McEwan
속죄 Atonement

* 그림 6.9 (248)

7장_정신의 공유 - 뇌는 문화를 어떻게 만들어 내는가 Sharing minds – How the brain creates culture

* 이상은 (262) : 당나라 시인
- 李商隱 -



* 번역 불확정성 (263) : Indeterminacy of Translation

* 가다머, 한스 게오르크 (267) : Hans-Georg Gadamer

* BOLD (268) : blood oxygenation level dependent
(교정) oxygen => oxygenation
Blood oxygenation level dependent signal: what we measure with functional magnetic resonance imaging.
Blood-oxygen-level dependence (BOLD) is the MRI contrast of blood deoxyhemoglobin.

* (269)
Once we notice that someone is different in some way from our friends and acquaintances, then our brain expects that communication will be more difficult. We will have less in common. Our brain is less certain about what knowledge we share. So it is more difficult to predict what the other person will do and say. Of necessity, the way we communicate will be subtly altered when we try to communicate with someone different from us.

* 산 고릴라 (275) : 마운틴 고릴라 Mountain Gorilla

* 딕 번 (275)
=> (교정) 리차드 바이른 Richard Byrne

* 그림 7.3 (276)

Figure 7.3 How mothers teach their infants, but not their pets, to speak
Vowel sounds, like the “ee” in sheep, the “ah” in shark, and the “oo” in shoe are defined by two frequencies (F1 & F2). The different vowel sounds can be placed in a vowel space defined by F1 and F2. When mothers talk to their infants, they use a special language called “motherese.” They exaggerate the vowel sounds so that they are further apart in the vowel space. This helps the infants to recognize the differences between vowels in their native language. Mothers also use a special voice for talking to their cats, but here they don’t exaggerate the vowels; they simply speak at a higher pitch than normal.
Source: Figure 1c from: Burnham, D., Kitamura, C., & Vollmer-Conna, U. (2002). What’s new pussy cat? On talking to babies and animals. Science, 296(5572), 1435.

Relationships among sound waves, vocal tract size, and hyperarticulated vowel space

* (276)
엄마와 아기가 교류를 나눌 때에는 소통의 고리가 완전히 닫힌다. 엄마만 아기의 행동에 관심을 갖는 것이 아니라 아기도 엄마가 무엇에 관심을 보이는지 안다. 아기는 어른들의 말보다 모성어(motherese)를 더 귀담아듣는다. 모성어가 바로 자기를 향한 것임을 알기 때문이다. 엄마가 냄비(saucepan)를 바닥에 떨어뜨리는 것을 보고 "젠장(bother)"하고 소리치는 것을 들을 때, 아기는 냄비에 해당하는 단어가 "젠장(bother)"이 아니란 것을 안다. 아기는 엄마가 언제 자기에게 사물의 이름을 가르쳐주는지 안다.

하지만, 자폐 아동한테는 종종 이런 일이 일어난다. 폴(Paul)이 그러한 경우로, 어느 날 폴의 엄마가 부엌에서 일하면서 '피터, 피터, 펌프킨 이터 (Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater)'라는 동요를 부르고 있었다. 그 순간 갑자기 냄비가 바닥에 떨어졌다. 그날 이후로 폴은 냄비와 비슷하게 생긴 것만 보면 '피터 이터 (Peter eater)'를 노래했다.

* 두 명의 로니 (278)

* 포크 핸들 (278) : Fork handles

[m] The two ronnies - Fork handles

* 줄리 그레제스 (288) : Julie Grezes

The subjects watched videos of themselves and of others lifting a box and were instructed to judge whether the actor had a correct or a false expectation about the weight of the box. Each trial corresponds to the presentation of a color movie of 3.5 s following by a screen of 1.5 s on which were displayed the words ‘Correct’ and ‘False’. The position on the screen of the two words was randomized across trials so as to avoid motor preparation during the observation phase. The subjects were required to decide (forced choice) whether the actor had a correct or a false expectation of the weight by making a key press with the right fingers.

* 후부상측두구 (288) : posterior superior temporal sulcus

medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)
temporoparietal junction (TPJ)
posterior superior temporal sulcus (pSTS)
inferior frontal gyrus (IFG)
interparietal sulcus (IPS)
anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
anterior insula (AI)

* 존스타운 학살 (291)

* 윌리엄 터너 (294) : Joseph Mallord William Turner

William Turner. Snow Storm - Steam Boat off a Harbour's Mouth. 1842. Oil on canvas. Tate Gallery, London, UK

* 세미르 제키 (298) : Semir Zeki
[b] 크리스토프 코흐, 의식의 탐구, 39, 107-108,130, 148, 149, 150-151 275, 276, 366
[b] 로돌프 이나스, 꿈꾸는 기계의 진화, 147(시각에 관한 뛰어난 보고서는 Zeki(1993)을 참조하라.)
[b] Zeki, S. (1993). A Vision of the Brain.


* 그림 E.3 (303)

Gentle Rosenberg's head opens to reveal the High Prince of Baltia.

* J.B.S. 홀데인 (305) : Haldane
" I'd lay down my life for two brothers or eight cousins."

* 독재자 게임 (306) : Dictator Game
[b] 애비너시 딕시트, 배리 네일버프, 전략의 탄생, 100

* 최후통첩 게임 (306) : Ultimatum Game
[b] [b] 애비너시 딕시트, 배리 네일버프, 전략의 탄생, 97(얼티메이텀 게임)

* 공공의 이익게임 (307) : Common Good Game

* 이타적 처벌 (307) : altruistic punishment

* 무임승차자 (307) : free rider

* 타니아 싱어 (309) : Tania Singer
[b] Singer, T., Seymour, B., O’Doherty, J.P., Stephan, K.E., Dolan, R.J., & Frith, C.D. (2006). Empathic neural responses are modulated by the perceived fairness of others. Nature, 439(7075), 466–469.

[b] Singer, T., Kiebel, S.J., Winston, J.S., Dolan, R.J., & Frith, C.D. (2004). Brain responses to the acquired moral status of faces. Neuron, 41(4), 653–662.

* (310)
We believe that all of us make deliberate choices. Otherwise our willingness to cooperate would fall apart. This final illusion created by our brain - that we are detached from the social world and are free agents - enables us to create together a society and a culture that is so much more than any individual.

1.(25) 로잘린드 리들리
2.(30) 키아라 포터스
3.(61) Panayiotopoulos
4.(98) 엘비어스
6.(220) 보 로토

1. 책에 찍인 날짜인을 보니 책을 산 것은 2009년 8월이고, 그 이후 책을 읽은 것도 사실인데, 책을 다시 읽고 있으니, 책을 제대로 읽었었는지 의심스러울 정도입니다.책의 주석을 다는 일은 도무지 끝이 날 것 같지 않습니다. 주석에 대한 주석, 그 주석의 주석...을 달아야 하는 일이 끝이 없이 이어질 테니까요. 책을 쓴 저자도 한없이 늘어날지 모르는 책의 분량을 본인과 독자를 위해 정당히 타협했을 것이라 추측합니다. 주석을 달아 정보량이 많아져서, 책의 내용을 더 잘 이해하는 것처럼 느껴지지만, 늘어난 정보량 때문에 혼란이 가중되는 것도 피할 수 없습니다. 책을 읽으며, 과연 내가 "안다고 하는 것"이 무엇이냐는 질문을 합니다. "내가 뭔가를 안다"는 분명한 느낌이 들지만, 그 "분명한 느낌"조차 "분명한 착각"일 것입니다.
2.色卽是空, 空卽是色

3. 殺佛殺祖 (부처를 만나거든 부처를 죽이고, 조사를 마나거든 조사를 죽여라)

4. 이 책의 결론은 책의 마지막에 쓰여져 있습니다.

"Just go back to the party and have fun."

우주가 무엇이든 뇌과학이 무엇이든,
당혹스러워할 필요가 없으며,
우리는 그저 인생이라는 파티를 즐기면 됩니다.

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