
2011.05.27 22:01

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제목 : 이보디보, 생물의 블랙박스를 열다
저자 : B. 션 B. 캐럴 (Sean B. Carroll)
발행처 : 출판사 지호
발행일 : 2007년 7월
원제 : Endless Forms Most Beautiful: The New Science of Evo Devo and the Making of the Animal Kingdom


이보디보 EVO DEVO는 진화발생생물학을 듯하며
evolutionary developmental biology의 줄임말로,
진화생물학 + 발생생물학을 함께 연구하는 학문입니다.

Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree of fin and limb skeletons, showing the gradual acquisition of limblike characteristics.
(a) Living sharks; (b) living coelacanth; (c) living lungfish; (d) extinct fish, Eusthenopteron; (e) extinct fish, Panderichthys; (f) extinct tetrapod, Acathostega; (g) extinct tetrapod, Eryops.

(그림 출처: http://accessscience.com/popup.aspx?figID=YB050620FG0020&id=YB050620&name=figure)


* endless forms most beautiful
There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.
(Darwin's Origin of Species: first British edition (1859), page 490)

* 에드 루이스 (13, 110, 199) : Edward Lewis
1995 년 두 명의 생물학자와 더불어 노벨 생리의학상 수상

* 상동성 (15) : Homology

* 토마스 H. 헉슬리 (30-31, 62, 319, 321, 382)
(Evidence as to Man's Place in Nature)

* 금언과 명언 (30) : Aphorisms and Reflections
From the Works of T. H. HUXLEY
Selected by Henrietta A. Huxley

LIV [C. E. ii 29]
(주) LIV = 54, ; C. E. ii = Collected Essays II . Darwiniana.

The student of Nature wonders the more and is astonished the less, the more conversant he becomes with her operations; but of all the perennial miracles she offers to his inspection, perhaps the most worthy of admiration is the development of a plant or of an animal from its embryo.

CCXXIX [C. E. ix 6]
(주) CCXXIX = 229 ; C. E. ix = Collected Essays IX. Evolution and Ethics, and other Essays.

As a natural process, of the same character as the development of a tree from its seed, or of a fowl from its egg, evolution excludes creation and all other kinds of supernatural intervention. As the expression of a fixed order, every stage of which is the effect of causes operating according to definite rules, the conception of evolution no less excludes that of chance. It is very desirable to remember that evolution is not an explanation of the cosmic process, but merely a generalized statement of the method and results of that process. And, further, that, if there is proof that the cosmic process was set going by any agent, then that agent will be the creator of it and of all its products, although, supernatural intervention may remain strictly excluded from its further course.

(참고) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_numerals
http://blog.daum.net/apelim/15601285 비교급 문법

* 루디야드 키플링 (41-42, 154, 275, 284) : Rudyard Kipling
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just_So_Stories 4. How the Leopard Got His Spots

* 올레노이데스 사라투스 (50, 182, 195-196) : Olenoides serratus

* 군터 스턴트 (54) : Gunther Stent

* 윌리엄 베이트슨 (54, 61, 64, 77-80, 258) : William Batteson

* 윌리스턴의 법칙 (58, 61, 185, 203, 208, 231-232, 236)

* 사무엘 윌리스턴 (60-61, 64, 214) : Samuel Williston

* (62)

(주) Aye-Aye(Cheiromys or Chiromys)

* The Cyclops (66)


* 거울 나라의 앨리스 (67) : Through the Looking-Glass, And What Alice Found There

The Unicorn looked dreamily at Alice, and said `Talk, child.'
Alice could not help her lips curing up into a smile as she began: `Do you know, I always thought Unicorns were fabulous monsters, too! I never saw one alive before!'
`Well, now that we have seen each other,' said the Unicorn, `if you'll believe in me, I'll believe in you. Is that a bargain?'
`Yes, if you like,' said Alice.

* <괴이한 창조물들> (67) : Creature Features

* (69)

Head of a cyclopic lamb born of a ewe who had eaten Veratrum californicum early in pregnancy. The cerebral hemispheres fused, forming only one central eye and no pituitary gland. The jervine alkaloid made by this plant inhibits cholesterol synthesis, which is needed for Hedgehog production and reception. (Photograph courtesy of L. James and the USDA Poisonous Plant Laboratory.)

* 베라트룸 칼리포르니쿰 (70) : Veratrum californicum

* 한스 슈페만 (71) : Hans Spemann

* 원구 상순부 (71, 140) : dorsal lip of blastopore
=> (교정) 원구 배순부

원장배기(gastrular stage)에는 원장(archenteron)가 함입하는데, 그 입구를 원구(blastopore)라 한다. 그 윗부분을 원구배순부(dorsal lip ot blastophore)라 부른다. 이것이 장래 내부가 함입되어 형성체 (organizer)로 된다.


* ZPA (74)

* 프레드 네이하우트 (74, 259, 266, 268, 270) : Fred Nijhout

* 형태발생 (74) : morphogenesis

* 연속 상동기관 (83) : serially homologous body parts

* 혁명적 통찰 (94) : revolutionary insights

* 호메오박스 (96)

* 팍스-6 (102, 104-106, 108, 111, 191) : PAX-6

* 틴먼 (106)

* 크리스티안네 뉘슬라인-폴하르트 (109-110,112, 116) : Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard
(책) Coming to life: how genes drive development
(번역) 살아있는 유전자

* 에드 루이스 (110, 199) : Edward Lewis

* 감각 강모 (137, 263) : sensory bristles

* (150)

Dark Matter in Galaxy Cluster
Cluster of galaxies Cl0024+1654, with visible galaxies in red and the inferred distribution of dark matter in blue.

* 원시좌우대칭동물 (189, 191, 192) : Urbilaterian

* 콘웨이 모리스 (194) : Conway Simon Morris

* (194)
Simon Conway Morris, one of the leading paleontologists deciphering the events of the Cambrian, has likened this early phase of diversification to a trail of gunpowder leading back into the "mists of time." Whatever the length of this trail, by the late Early Cambrian, it reached the powder keg and the diversity of forms exploded.

* 중국 원난 성의 첸지앙 동물군 (194-195, 197, 208-209, 212) : Chengjing fauna
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maotianshan_Shales 帽天山
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chengjiang_County 澄江县

* 엽족동물 (195) : lobopodian

* (교정) (195)
'lob'은 늘어진이라는 뜻을 가졌다/옮긴이
=> (교정) lobus 1. (호두, 조개, 계란 따위의) 껍질; (누에)고치; (콩)꼬투리, 깍지 2. (해부학) 엽(葉)

* 나라아오이아 콤팍타 (195)

* 아이셰아이아 (195) : Aysheasia

* 유조동물 (200) : velvet worms, 有爪動物

* 밥 워렌, 젠 그르니에, 테드 가버 (200)

Jennifer K. Grenier
Theodore L. Garber
Robert Warren
Paul M. Whitington
Sean Carroll

Grenier, J.K., T.L. Garber, R. Warren, P.M. Whitington and S.B. Carroll (1997)
Evolution of the entire arthropod Hox gene set predated the origin and radiation of the onychophoran/arthropod clade. Current Biology 7:547-553.


* 협각류 (201 그림 6-5 , 233) : 鋏角亞門

* 아칸토케라 카푸텐시스 (201) : Acanthokara kaputensis Reid, 1996
(Etymology) The specific name, kaputensis, is derived from the name of the type locality of this species.

* (205)

* 미할리스 아베로프 (207, 229, 234) : Michalis Averof

* 하이코우이키티스 (208) : Haikouichthys ercaicunensis
The holotype was found in the Yuansshan member of the Qiongzhusi Formation in the 'Eoredlichia' Zone near Haikou at Ercaicun, Kunming City, Yunnan, China.
중국명 : 耳材村海口鱼
1999年 由中国科学家 在云南 海口镇 耳材村 发现
(云南省 昆明市 西山区 海口镇 耳材村)


* (208)
Specimens of the fossil jawless fish Haikouichthys eracaicunensis reveal the presence of a head lobe with eyes, possibly nasal sacs, ten or more separated vertebral elements, gills, a dorsal fin, and a ventral fin.

* 악구류 척추동물 (211) : jawed vertebrate

* 다묵장어 (211)
학명: Lampetra reissneri
방언: 칠성장어

* 이분지형 부속지 (224-228) : biramous limbs

* (229)

Fig. 5. Embryological ground plan of insect segments and a combinatorial model for evolution of the insect wing.

Left. Lateral and cross-sectional view of a generalized insect segment showing wg expression (red) and subdivision into three regions; tergum, sternum, and lateral body region. The boundary of tergumlateral body wall is the region for margin outgrowth (blue) specified by the module involving ap, wg, and vg. The lateral region lacks wg expression and provides a relatively open field for reactivated wg (red circles) to induce dorsal limb branch (organ inductive field, yellow).

Right. Proposed scenario of insect wing evolution (solid lines) with key events: (1) Establishment of segmental ground plan with wg-free lateral region, (2) Acquisition of the wg–vg module for dorsal limb branch induction, (3) Stylus formation, (4) Tracheal gill formation, (5) Wing formation. Position of the inductive wg–vg expression varied within lateral region (evolutionary drift). A successful combination of the two modules for dorsal limb branch induction and margin outgrowth near the tergum lateral-body wall boundary facilitated rapid emergence of the sheet-like wing outgrowth.
(그림출처 : Evolutionary origin of the insect wing via integration of two developmental modules)

* 앱터로스, 누빈 (229, 234) : apterous, nubbin

* 로빈 우턴 (230) : Robin Wotoon

* 자밀라 쿠키로바-펙 (230) : Jarmila Kukalova-Peck

* (231)

* (231)


* (231)

* 거미 (234) : spider

* 빔 다멘 (234) : Wim Damen

* (234)

* (236)

* 투구게의 새서 (234, 236) : horseshoe's book gills
=> (교정) 투구게의 서새

아가미 : branchial, 鰓 (새)



* (237)
곤충 날개 진화는 네 개의 날개 형태가 구축된 시점에서 끝나지 않았다.
(원문) Wing evolution in insects did not end with the making of four-winged pattern.

* (238)

The evolution of insect hindwing patterns and the divergence of Ubx-regulated target gene sets.

A schematized view of the course of the evolution of the dipteran (b) and lepidopteran (c) lineages from a common four-winged ancestor (a) which had similar forewings and hindwings.

On the left of each panel are drawings of wing pairs and on the right are schematics representing genetic regulatory hierarchies for wing development.

In this scenario, Ubx, although expressed in the ancestral hindwing (a), did not yet regulate genes in the wing patterning hierarchy to differentiate hindwing from forewing morphology.

Subsequently, many genes (represented by black ovals) fell under the control of Ubx and these sets of Ubx-regulated genes differed between the (b) dipteran (wg, AS-C, SRF and so on) and (c) lepidopteran (Dll, scale morphology genes and so on), and presumably other, insect lineages. The drawings are adapted from [31,32].

31. Nijhout HF: The Development and Evolution of Butterfly Wing Patterns. Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press; 1991.
32. Bradley JC: A Laboratory Guide to the Study of the Evolution of the Wings of Insects. Ithaca: Daw, Illston, and Company; 1939.

* 자각 (241) : autopodium

* 날개의 진화 (244)

(Carroll 논문)
Williams, J. A., Bell, J. B., and Carroll, S. B. 1991. Control of Drosophila wing and haltere development by the nuclear vestigial gene product. Genes Dev. 5: 2481–2495.

Williams, J. A., Paddock, S. W., and Carroll, S. B. 1993. Pattern formation in a secondary field: a hierarchy of regulatory genes subdivides the developing Drosophila wing disc into discrete subregions. Development 117: 571–584.

Kim, J., Irvine, K. D., and Carroll, S. B. 1995. Cell recognition, signal induction, and symmetrical gene activation at the dorsal–ventral boundary of the developing Drosophila wing. Cell 82: 795–802.

* 패트 십먼 (244) : Pat Shipman (244)
(책) Taking Wing: Archaeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight (1998)

* (246)

Wing morphology: Pterosaurs, bats and birds produced wings with functionally similar shapes from a homologous organ (the forelimb) in three distinct ways. The bones in each wing are homologous, but because the different arrangement of bones within the wing, the wing itself is independently derived within each group. Image by J. Rosenau.

hum = humerus; u = ulna; r = radius; mc= metacarpus; pt= pteroid; c = carpus; ca = calcar; I-V = numbered digits
Adapted from Padian 1985

* 큰가시고기 (248) :stickleback fish

Threespine Stickleback (학명 : Gasterosteus aculeatus)

The threespine stickleback is a small fish reaching a maximum length of 10 cm. It is laterally compressed, scaleless, and has a very narrow caudal peduncle. As its name implies, there are three dorsal spines, the last being very short, which are followed by 14-16 soft dorsal rays. The eyes are large and its color is silvergreen to brown above with silver sides often mottled dark. Breeding males have blue sides, a bright red belly and lower sides, and bright blue or green eyes. Large females have a pink throat and belly. The colors of inland populations are often subdued (natureserve.org).


* (248)
Genetic and developmental basis of evolutionary pelvic reduction in threespine sticklebacks
Michael D. Shapiro, Melissa E. Marks, Catherine L. Peichel, Benjamin K. Blackman, Kirsten S. Nereng, Bjarni Jónsson, Dolph Schluter & David M. Kingsley

Nature 428, 717-723 (15 April 2004)

* (248)

* PITX1 (248) : Pituitary-specific positive transcription factor 1

* (255)
(참고) Butterflies as Signal Receivers

* 베이츠 의태 (256-257, 365) : Batesian mimicry

* 파필리오 다르다누스 (257) : Papilio dardanus

* (258)
" It may be said, therefore, that on these expanded membranes Nature writes, as on a tablet, the story of the modification of species, so truly do all changes of organisation register themselves thereon. Moreover, the same colour-patterns of the wings generally show, with great regularity, the degrees of blood-relationship of the species." - H.W. Bates (1864)-

* 님팔리드과 나비 (261) : family Nymphalidae

The color patterns of butterflies are based on three systems of bands, called symmetry systems (the basal, central, and border symmetry systems).

In its primitive form, the bands of the symmetry system run smoothly and uninterrupted from the anterior to the posterior margins of the wing. This is the patterning system the butterflies inherited from their moth ancestors.

In butterflies, the border symmetry system often bears small eyespots, the border ocelli (bo). In some species these are modified into large eyespots that are believed to startle or confuse potential predators. The large eyespots in moths are usually modifications of the discal spot (d).

The color patterns of butterflies are compartmentalized by the wing veins.
Each compartment is developmentally isolated from its neighbors during pattern determination.

The consequence of this is that pattern development in each compartment becomes semi-independent from that of its neighbors.

This results in a dislocation of the symmetry system bands where they cross wing veins.

The patterns of the thousands of species of butterflies are derived from this groundplan by selectively suppressing the development of individual pattern elements, by distorting their shape, by enlarging them, by moving them about on the wing, and by changing their color.


* 스티코프탈마 카마데바 (262) : Stichophthalma camadeva

* 파우리스 메나도 (262) : Fauris menado

* 테나리스 마크롭스 (262) : Taenaris macrops

* 구조색 (264) : structural color

* 눈꼴무늬(264-270) : butterfly eyespots

* 비치클루스 아니나나 (265, 270, 275-277, 279) : Bicyclus anynana
아프리카 나비


* 베이츠의 서판 (266)
(원문) What are some of the genetic tools used to inscribe Bates's "tablets"?

* 벅아이나비 (267, 269, 279) : Buckeye butterfly

* 발생 중인 원반형 낼개의 부분부분에서 (267)
(원문) in parts of the developed butterfly wing disc

* 크레이그 브루네티 (270) : Craig Brunetti

The generation and diversification of butterfly eyespot color patterns
Craig R Brunetti, Jayne E Selegue, Antonia Monteiro, Vernon French, Paul M Brakefield and Sean B Carroll
Current Biology, Volume 11, Issue 20, 1578-1585, 16 October 2001doi:10.1016/S0960-9822(01)00502-4

* 슈팔트와 인그레일드라고 불리는 두 툴킷 단백질 (270)
1. Drosophila Engrailed/Invected and Spalt proteins, that are deployed in concentric territories corresponding to the future rings of pigmented scales that compose the adult eyespot.
2. The spalt genes were originally identified in Drosophila, which has two members of the family, spalt major (salm) and spalt related (salr). These have important roles in processes as diverse as homeotic specification of the embryonic termini , wing patterning, sensory organ development, tracheal system development and specification of photoreceptors.

* 타이거 호랑나비 (파필리오 글라누쿠스) (280) : Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

* 파이프바인 호랑나비 (바투스 필레노르) (280) : Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)

* (283)

And the Leopard scratched his head and said, 'It ought to be 'sclusively a delicate greyish-fawn, and it ought to be Zebra; but it is covered all over with black and purple stripes. What in the world have you been doing to yourself, Zebra? Don't you know that if you were on the High Veldt I could see you ten miles off? You haven't any form.'

'Yes,' said the Zebra, 'but this isn't the High Veldt. Can't you see?'

'I can now,' said the Leopard, 'But I couldn't all yesterday. How is it done?'

'Let us up,' said the Zebra, 'and we will show you.'

They let the Zebra and the Giraffe get up; and Zebra moved away to some little thorn-bushes where the sunlight fell all stripy, and the Giraffe moved off to some tallish trees where the shadows fell all blotchy.

'Now watch,' said the Zebra and the Giraffe. 'This is the way it's done. One -- two -- three! And where's your breakfast?'

Leopard stared, and Ethiopian stared, but all they could see were stripy shadows and blotched shadows in the forest, but never a sign of Zebra and Giraffe. They had just walked off and hidden themselves in the shadowy forest.

'Hi! Hi!' said the Ethiopian. 'That's a trick worth learning. Take a lesson by it, Leopard. You show up in this dark place like a bar of soap in a coal-scuttle.'

* 휴 B. 코트 (286) : Hugh B. Cott

Image: Illustrations from Adaptive Coloration in Animals, Hugh Cott, 1940

* 비스톤 베투라리아 (290) : Biston betularia

* 카르보나리아 (290)
carbonaria means 'coal-like'

* 멜라닌 (292) : melanin

* MC1R (292)

* 아구티 단백질 (293)

* (294)

* amino acid changes

* (297)

* 바위주머니쥐 (297) : Rock pocket mice

Collecting sites, substrate color, and coat color frequencies on and neighboring the Pinacate lava flow in south central Arizona. Six sites were sampled: three on dark volcanic rock and three on light-colored substrate. The lava flow is surrounded by approximately 1 km of the Pinta Sands. Substrate color is indicated schematically below. Pie diagrams refer to the frequencies of light and melanic mice at each collecting site. (Hoekstra HE, Drumm KE, Nachman MW (June 2004). "Ecological genetics of adaptive color polymorphism in pocket mice: geographic variation in selected and neutral genes". Evolution 58 (6): 1329–41. PMID 15266981)

* D. 비아르미페스 (307) : Drosophila biarmipes
(블로그) Evolving spots
One example of a cis-dominant promoter region controlling a male-specific allele is the promoter element of the yellow gene in Drosophila biarmipes [Gompel et al. 2005], which is involved in creating a male-specific wing spot used in mating.

Gompel, N., B. Prud’homme, P. J.Wittkopp, V. A. Kassner, and S. B. Carroll.
2005. Chance caught on the wing: cis-regulatory evolution and the origin of pigment patterns in Drosophila. Nature 433:481–487.

* MYH16 gene (342)

캄브리아 대폭발 Cambrian explosion

* 동물 진화의 빅뱅 (184)

* 폭발의 원인으로는 여러가지 가설이 제기되었다. 크고 복잡한 동물 몸을 만드는데 필요한 모든 유전자들이 캄브리아 대폭발로 실체가 드러나기 한참 전부터 이미 존재하고 있었다. 유전자 툴킷 자체는 진화하지 않았다. (185)

* 캄브리아기에 벌어진 사건은 바로 스위치들의 진화였다. (186)

* 지질학적으로 봤을 때 캄브리아기는 5억 4천 3백만년전에서 앞뒤로 백만년 정도에 시작되었다. 하지만 그 경계 시점에는 동물진화에 관한 또렷한 기록이 남은 게 별로 없다. 이후 천5백만년에서 2천만년정도는 동물의 형태를 보전한 화석기록이 거의 남지 않는다. (194)

* 캄브리아기 대폭발을 생태현상으로 봐야 한다는 의견이 갈수록 힘을 얻고 있다. 다양한 동물종 사이의 생태적 상호작용과 경쟁의 압박이 갈수록 커짐에 따라, 보다 복잡한 구조들이 쉴 새없이 진화했다. 캄브리아기의 드라마는 생태계에 의해 지구적 규모로 추진된 것이라 봐야 한다. 새로운 생태적 기회를 활용하기 위한 적응사례인 때가 많았다. 대부분의 경우에도 구조적 혁신이나 신체부속들의 위치변화가 일어나면서 새로운 생활방식이 가능해지고, 그로써 거꾸로 더 넓은 확장이 이뤄진 사례들이다. (217)


  1. [조상이야기] 엔사티나 에슈솔치

  2. [생명,40억년의 비밀] 참고자료 (1)

  3. [퀀텀브레인] canonical cortical microcircuit

  4. <뇌과학> Two Streams hypothesis

  5. [시냅스와 자아] 편도체 amygdala

  6. [조상이야기] 랑데뷰 1 - 15 : 포유동물 Mammalia

  7. [생명의도약] 참고자료

  8. [산소] 참고자료

  9. [이보디보] 참고 자료

  10. [미토콘드리아] 참고자료

  11. [퀀텀브레인] 목차, 참고자료, 찾아보기

  12. [인문학에게 뇌과학을 말한다] 보충자료

  13. 밀리시버트(mSv). 베크럴(Bq)

  14. [마이크로코스모스] 참고자료

  15. [생명이란 무엇인가] 참고자료

  16. [생명,40억년의 비빌] 참고자료 (2)

  17. 비타민 C의 역사

  18. [중년의뇌] Exercise-induced neurogenesis

  19. [과학철학] 주석 및 참고자료

  20. [조상이야기] 포유류형 파충류 'mammal-like reptiles'

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